- Injected all existing level/user data into the game, so it will always be available offline as a static page
- Removed all network calls, the game no longer relies on an external web server to run
- This will disable direct uploading, as well as logging clears. If you would like a level added to the game, hit me up on the Discord or by Email.
- This isn't the end, just a new phase of being. Dabble Worlds lives on in offline mode. Thank you so much for joining me on this adventure. Stay whimsical, keep Dabbling.
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where player did not take damage while riding Drakkie
New features
- Added the Dabble Dragon
- Added another boss fight enemy. No spoilers. You should play the level first
- Added King Slush, a formidable frozen monarch who is more of a hazard than an enemy
- Added Jumbo Jelly, goopsters forever
- Added Klobber, because Big Wallops weren't big enough
- Added Bernie! He likes smores
- Patrols horizontally
- Can be hard to get past him on a level playing field, but he can't reach you if you have the high ground
- Added Nimby, a fluffy, huggable cloud thing
- Patrols back and forth once he's scrolled on to screen, chasing the player around
- After a few seconds... ZAP! A bolt of lightning strikes the ground
- The lightning strike can power wires for just a short time during the strike
- Added Big Yufos
- Their tractor beams cause anything inside to fly upwards!
- It's safe to stand on top of them
- Added Taptop! Don't be fooled by his very clever disguise
- Added the Scaredy door
- He wants to open up, but not with all these enemies around...
- For door pairing, the resulting enterable door acts based on the Scaredy Door's initial position when the level loads
- Added Minecarts
- Hop on to go for a ride!
- Press jump while riding to make the whole cart pop into the air
- Hold UP and tap JUMP to exit the minecart
- Hold DOWN to duck, which lets you narrowly slide under hazards
- Added Teacups
- Hop on in and take it for a spin!
- Similar controls to minecarts
- Floats in a variety of liquids!
- Tea not included
- Added Guarded Keys
- Place them above enemies in the editor, and they'll be freed when the enemy is defeated
- Enemies holding keys will display a blinking key icon to indicate their treasure
- Added Empty barrels
- Hold DOWN while holding one to hide inside!
- The player can't move while hiding inside
- Move speed is reduced while carrying it, but it can block one instance of damage
- Hold UP to lift the barrel all the way up for quicker move speed, but no protection
- Added Spring Rings. Jump off at the right time for some added momentum
- Added Fire Pillar Trigger blocks. Activate them with wire current for a vertical heat wave
- Added Fire Pillar Trigger sprites. They activate based on screen scroll, no wire required
- Added Dragon Swoop Triggers. Activate them with wire current for a sideways assault
- Added Bouncy Slime, a springy fluid with some serious bounce
- Added Flip Platforms.
- Each segment gives you about a 4-frame window to jump off
- Also available in a slow variety that bumps that up to a 12-frame window
- Added a new tile set! New solid tiles, new decoartion, new slopes, etc
- Added low gravity mode to the level flow panel
- Added Sky Change Triggers to the level flow panel!
- Added Music Change Triggers to the level flow panel! Both slow fade and immediate varieties
- Added multiple new music tracks, most by Waryo (AKA Casual)
- Baddle can be killed by projectiles again (accidentally removed when preventing slide kills)
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where player would sort of stick to the edge of a non-moving autoscroll screen
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where menus could lock up after opening the options menu in some circumstances
Bug fixes
- Reduced water balloon burst lag
- Fixed rotated red girders not properly loading in levels
New features
- Added silly kind of new item to the level flow panel in the editor. Enjoy.
- It's a gun
- Gives you a health bar, grab coins to refill it
- Can't hold things while gunned up!
- Added Skitter, a bug that doesn't like to be observed
- Added Angler, a fish that wants to have you over for a bite
- Added Vinedicator and Gray Growth, creeping plants that shoot spore projectiles out when you get too close
- Added a new tile set! New solid tiles, new decoartion, new slopes, etc
- Added shootable blocks! When struck by an energy projectile of some sort, they temporarily disappear.
- Added two new songs to the music selection
- If you can survive a lava hit, it will now bounce you into the air as you take damage (this does not apply to levels created in older versions)
New features
- Added an option to disable tile animations (located in Options > Additional Preferences). This should improve performance signficantly for some levels
- Lava can now be transparent, but the stripes remain opaque. This is to make sure lava is harder to completely disguise
Bug fixes
- Water balloon splashes are no longer deadly to the player
- Removed top-secret 1.11 enemy
New features
- Added Escarghosts, spooky snails, ooOOOooo~
- They patrol back and forth, floating eerily
- When they float in front of a backdrop tile, they are invulnerable, so no jumping on them!
- But when struck by the light of the sun (or just any tile that isn't covered by the backdrop), they become corporeal once again
- A bright enough light may also prove effective to defeat them...
- Added Ruby Snails, nice and toasty!
- These guys are too hot to handle, don't jump on them
- They're so hot, they leave a path of flames in their wake, so watch out!
- If you can douse it with some water, that might cool it off
- Added Spicy Jellies, another hot enemy variant!
- Added BOMBS!
- As soon as you pick them up, the fuse is lit, so hurry!
- When it blows, it'll damage enemies and players alike, so keep a safe distance
- There's also a safety bomb variant which doesn't ignite until you throw it. You can safely set it down for later!
- Added Cracks, which can cause the overlapping solid tile to break in certain mysterious circumstances
- Added Fire, a semisolid ground that hurts to stand on. Some other entities may interact with fire...
- Added Water Balloons, a quick and easy way to wash things off
- Added the bubble key! Orbits the player after being touched, perfect if your hands are already full
- You can now edit the colors and transparency of fluids
- Purple Water has been renamed to Poison Water
- The effect that reveals shimmer blocks now has a visual effect to show its position and speed
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where tiles would be drawn at the wrong location while being dragged around in the editor
- Fixed an issue where water tiles would have incorrect edge shading
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where vertical wallops initially could only travel down
- Fixed issue where bowling balls would WRECK springboxes in hilarious but ultimately catastrophic ways
New features
- Added Bigby, the busy bee! Bigby is happy to hold on to items for you, and can sort of give you a ride
- Added Wallop! He slams down to the ground when you get close. Very original
- Added Big Wallop! A little slower to get moving, but covers a lot larger area
- Added platform variants and rotated variants (horizontal vs vertical) for Wallops and Big Wallops. That's 8 wallops all together!
- Added WallopeƱo! That makes 9! He's just a little guy
- Added the Soccer Ball! Give it a kick straight into the enemies' faces! No hands allowed
- Added the Bowling Ball! Particularly heavy
- Added a new tile set! New solid tiles, new decoartion, new slopes, etc
- Added two new songs to the music selection
- Spring boxes no longer play a sound when off-screen
- Buttons (for wires) no longer play a sound when off-screen
- Some solid tiles have been given rotated variants
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where vertical autoscroll would not kill the player if screenwrap was enabled
- Fixed issue where yoyos could be thrown twice when held during a pipe entry
Interface improvements
- Contest levels can now be recalled during the submission phase. You may resubmit as many times as you like during the submission phase, but keep an eye on the deadline
- Contest levels will now appear in alphabetical order during voting. This is to make it harder to guess the level makers based on submission order.
Bug fixes
- Improved consistency of items moving around in pipes
- Fixed issue where level timer would not show pre-checkpoint tallied time while in a track pipe
- Fixed issue where coins could go through track pipes
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where screenwrap wouldn't work properly with vertical camera scroll
- Fixed issue where the level timer would stop while in a track pipe
New features
- Added track pipes!
- Stick them on the ends of tracks to allow sprites to magically enter the track as a packet of information
- Once the sprite reaches another pipe, it will pop out, fully reformed
- At 4-way track intersections, a digitized player can choose a path with a direction input
- Added horizontal screen wrap!
- Toggle it on or off from the Level Flow panel (next to the music selector)
- Works best when the map is only one-screen wide, but can technically work on larger maps
- Added controlled winches! They move their cargo up and down based on player input
- Added track/wire bridge, allowing wires to overlap straight tracks
- Added a new tile set! New solid tiles, new decoartion, new slopes, etc
- Added 3 new background layer elements
Interface improvements
- User trophies is now a scrollable panel to prepare for contest frequenters
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where blue balloons' cargo was defaulting to facing right instead of left
- Fixed issue where thrown barrels would still collide with enemies after being picked up mid-roll
Interface improvements
- Zoom levels on the editor now match to the zoom levels achieved by camera triggers in-game
- Shifted icon positions for like/dislike/etc in the level browser
Bug fixes
- Gold Gears are no longer affected by wind after beating the level
- Spring Boxes are no longer affected by wind
- Fixed issue where a Booly would be unable to bop a yoyo
- Fixed issue where players would move for one extra frame after throwing yoyos, resulting in awkward yoyo angles
- Fixed issue where players would despawn if they were more than 20 tiles above the top of the screen
- Fixed issue where players clinging to honey walls or stuck on honey floors would be pushed by wind
Interface improvements
- Added a "Help" button to the editor. For now, this just links to a tutorial video for beginners
- Renamed "Sprites" drawer to "Enemies"
- Increased the width of the "Enemies" panel from 7 to 8 items
- Increased the width of the "Gadgets" panel from 6 to 8 items
Bug fixes
- Fixed inconcistency with when newly created sprites would first run their update logic
- Fixed issue where a change to key behavior made keys less likely to trigger lock blocks
New features
- The game now supports submitting and voting in contests
Interface improvements
- In the level browser, toggling between different sort methods or pages now restores the scrollbar to the top of the list
Bug fixes
- Fixed thrown yoyos always using the original player as the "thrower" even when thrown by a dooplicated player
- Fixed bug where dabbots could not jump while riding a platform or other sprite
- Fixed bug where sparkys wouldn't path correctly through track tiles
- Fixed issue with inconsitent default values for Additional Preferences
- Added rotation indicator to Wind Generator
- April First, watch your back
Bug fixes
- Fixed rings being pushed by wind
- Fixed issue where keys would fail to unlock locks at very specific speeds
- Fixed issue where motors would fall off the left/top side of cap tracks
- Fixed issue where grabbing a non-active rocket while moving downward and holding jump would clip the player below the rocket
- Fixed issue where doopster wouldn't create a dooplicate after the source sprite was destroyed (was only dooping when the dooplicate was destroyed)
- Fixed incorrect graphic on glitch level filter button
- Dooplicates now emerge directly below the doopster
Bug fixes
- Dooplicated players no longer clear levels
New Features
- Added the Doopster
- Place an item on the top of it, wait a second, and... BAP! It creates a Dooplicate!
- The Doopster can't create a new Dooplicate until either the original or copy of the last Dooplication is destroyed.
- Can dooplicate just about anything that can land down on top of the Doopster.
- Warning: please be responsible with what you decide to dooplicate.
- Added Dabbot
- A busy robot that is directed by the player's input
- Responds to left, right, jump, and grab/throw
- Can be picked up! Can pick up items! Can pick up each other!
- Added Climbing Spurpiders to the roster
- Added Track Branches, a curved track that changes direction when powered
- Added Track Bridges
- Added the Track Pen to the editor to allow players to easily draw track paths without manually selecting the appropriate pieces
- Added a new song to the music selection
- Sprites that are far enough from the map bounds will be destroyed
- Spring boxes, mushroom platforms, and mushroom springs now force a hovering player out of hover state, but also refresh the hover timer
Interface improvements
- The level browser now supports multiple pages instead of only shoing the first 100 results of each category. Each page shows 50 results
- Added on-screen input display (can be enabled through the new Additional Preferences menu)
- Added a "Additional Preferences" to the options menu allowing you to choose...
- ...if the game should prompt you for confirmation when you attempt to close it. Previously this occurred in a specific set of circumstances related to checking for unsaved editor changes. It is now based entirely on this toggle.
- ...if the game should pause (if possible) when the window or tab is minimized.
- ...if the game should mute when the window or tab is minimized (it will automatically unmute when the game is back up).
- ...if the game should display your button inputs.
- You can now access the options menu from the editor (without having to go into play mode first)
- The game will now ignore any controller stick inputs until the axis reaches its neutral state
- Pressable wire buttons have been consolidated into a single rotatable gadget in the editor
- The editor now remembers your selected brush type between sessions
- Replaced "Recent Levels" on main menu with "Browse Levels"
Bug fixes
- Any sprite that waits to be on-screen before starting its movement pattern now ignores global wind until it's on screen
- Added rotation indicator to Wind and Fast Wind in the editor
- Baddle and Sparky are no longer defeated by sliding into them
- Conveyor/platform velocity is now zeroed out when a player is fired out of a cannon
- Sprite killers no longer delete sprites that are adjacent on the left or top side, sprites must actually overlap the sprite killer
- Corrected interactions between player-held rockets and warp portals
- Fixed issue where slight conveyor or wind momentum could pin a player to a wall
- Fixed issue where moving platforms could allow a player to pass through one-ways
- Fixed issue with motors on track curves getting stuck in some cases
- Fixed ferris motors having extra ropes drawn when carrying a motor that is carrying another sprite
- Players in a cannon will be killed if autoscroll would scroll the cannon off-screen
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue with portal linking
New Features
- A new player has joined the roster! Selectable from the level flow panel, Hover Cat can float by holding the jump button
- Introducing warp rings!
- Hop in one to be instantly warped to the closest (horizontally) warp ring!
- Press R in the editor to rotate the orientation, allowing for more intricate setups
- The player is not the only thing that can travel through the warp ring...
- If the warp takes the player more than half a screen away, the action will pause while the camera pans over, similar to a horizontal screen transition
- Introducing shimmer tiles (and lightbulbs)!
- An invisible (but fully solid) block
- Brushing against it causes it to shimmer for a moment
- Landing down on it reveals shimmer blocks in a small area
- When powered from below, lightbulbs will pulse once per second revealing shimmer blocks in a larger area
- Added purple cannons! Can be aimed with the directional buttons, but only give a few seconds before they auto-fire
- Added placeable wind tiles
- Added placeable wind triggers, they activate whenever they're scrolled on screen
- Added revive wings! Fling your corpse into them to instantly respawn
- Added vertical camera locks
- Added fast variants of powered conveyors
- You can now slightly steer your corpse left and right
- Chilly Jelly now only has a deadly snow aura during its jumps. While on the ground, Chilly Jelly can be jumped on safely
- When the camera is stalled by a scroll lock, the edge of the screen glows to indicate that the level continues
- The sky's starting color is randomized whenever the game is launched
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where doors would not pair correctly in some situations
- Fixed an issue where spring boxes would affect items while the player was holding them
- Fixed an issue where weighted platforms lined up with ground could get stuck until all sprites on them were removed, regardless of weight threshold
- Fixed an issue where vertical autoscroll and door transitions could kill the player
- Modified one of the 3-Ring Challenge level blocks to reduce chance of softlock
- Corrected the appearance of the Baddle trigger in the hotbar
- Adjusted yoyo particle effect to remain stationary after yoyo "pops"
Interface improvements
- Added a "Toggle Fullscreen" button the pause menu
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where rotated decor tiles would fail to load properly
New features
- You can now click a level's maker or WR-holder to view that user's stats and accolades
- Added a new tile set! New solid tiles, new decoartion, new slopes, etc
- Added a two new songs to the music selection, created by community member Waryo
- Added a new enemy, Baddle. When the player overlaps the starter trigger, Baddle starts giving chase
- Added a new gadget, the Saw. Hurts on contact, no spin-jumps allowed. The first Dabble Worlds sprite to have a round hitbox
- Hanging conveyors have been visually bumped up a few pixels to improve their draw speed
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where attempting to jump while on an upward-moving Splatform would cause the player to fall through
- Fixed an issue where camera locks would not be cleared when starting a 3-Ring Challenge run
- Reduced prize corner price from 10 to 1. Issued 9 coin refund for every spin used so far.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where quick retry button was causing weird behavior in the 3-ring challenge
New features
- The circus is in town!
- Barker's Carnival is now available from the main menu
- Does endless mode in Other Maker Games feel like a never-ending pool of randomly generated levels? Good news, Dabble Worlds now actually has a never-ending pool of INTENTIONALLY randomly generated levels.
- The 3-Ring Challenge tasks you with surviving a gauntlet of three stages of gradually increasing difficulty
- Complete the challenge to earn 3 Dabbloons (with a multiplier depending on the selected difficulty)
- After beating three levels, you can risk your base winnings for a higher multiplier on any subsequent levels you manage to beat
- Spend your winnings at the Prize Corner. 10 coins for a spin
- Added Chilly Jelly to the roster! Leaves a frosty trail behind
- Added Orbbit and Keplurk to the roster! Rotates around any non-player sprite below them
- Added Blaster to the roster! Rotates and fires dangerous circles
- Added Splatforms, or Slime Platforms. You can't jump while standing on them
- Added Mushroom Springs, bouncy little shrooms you can carry around
- Added hangable conveyors to the gadgets menu
- Added Ferris Motors to the wire/track panel. Place a sprite under it in the editor to create a four-armed spinning wheel of that item
- Added rotational variants for directional spikes and spears
- Added a new song to the music selection
- Added two new background elements for level backdrops
Interface improvements
- Level name, author, and world record details are now available in the pause menu
- You can now like/dislike a level from the pause menu
- Consolidated some tiles in the editor, you can now use "R" to rotate the active tool. Works for:
- Metal spikes
- One-ways
- Arrows
- Diodes
- And gates
- Inverters
- Tracks
- Sparky now does not move between wires and tracks, and respects track directions
- Hanging bars that overlap conveyors will now push hanging players in the direction of the bottom of the conveyor tile
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where player could get stuck if a thrown yoyo struck a sprite killer
- Fixed an issue where sprite velocity inherited from platforms was not applying inertia consistently
- Fixed an issue where player vertical velocity would not be dampened in water
- Fixed an inconsistency where global lava was an instant death. Changed to single-hit to match lava tiles
- Fixed the awkward momentum loss when entering water from the bottom
- Fixed an issue where Rings and Pull Switches did not properly apply their inertia
- Fixed an issue where platforms did not have inertia rules, creating unusual interactions when breaking off of balloons
New features
- Added Jelly to the roster! Leaves a gooey trail behind
- Added spring boxes to the gadgets panel
- Added winches to the wires/tracks panel - acts like a stationary motor, power it to reel in its load
- Added pull switches to the wires/tracks panel, provides power to its supporting winch, and to the block above itself
- Added slime into the fluids panel, allows normal walking/running, but no jumping
- Added a new song to the music selection
Interface improvements
- A brand new level search menu! Enjoy sorting in ways you never before thought possible
- Control remapping is now available in the options menu!
Interface improvements
- Upper-left timer now appears when playing a level in the editor
Bug fixes
- Fixed a game crash where a wire bridge sending power off the top of the map could cause a game crash
- Fixed an issue where hue sliders would not maintain their values for certain shades of pink
- Fixed an issue where text entry boxes would not work in full-screen (NOTE: in fullscreen only very basic input works: paste, typing, backspace. No selection, caret movement, etc)
- Fixed an issue where yoyos would not grant vertical velocity when the player was standing on a platform sprite
- Sidestepped an issue where the game font has a missing glyph for "#"
- Non-player sprites in the bottom of quicksand no longer travel at full speed
- Fixed issue where screen touch events were not firing mouse events as intended (not saying you should play this on mobile, but it's MORE possible than it was)
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where rings could not be grabbed
- Fixed an issue where wall jump tiles could be jumped off of from the wrong side
- Fixed an issue where gust animations could be deleted/orphaned by sprite killers
- Fixed an issue where wooly boolys could escape enemy stacks
- Fixed an issue where dropped shells would be thrown
And also
- Increased max upload count for all users with at least one published level
Other tweaks
- Slowed down fade-in transition when loading a map
- Fans now show their gust distance in the editor
- Modified player interaction with enemies/grabbables to improve consistency of some setups
- Holding the direction input away from the players direction when at high speeds will now slow the player down quickly
- (Secret update) Added camera scroll reset trigger
Bug fixes
- Further performance boosts for large levels
- Fixed an issue where sapphire snails would damage the player when leapt from
New features
- Added profile editing to the pause menu. Update your username and build your profile image!
- Added Wooly to the roster! The groundling isn't as clever as Piggles, and therefore walks right off edges
- Added Wooly Booly to the roster! If he sees you he'll start charging, and will send the first thing it connects with flying. Might not hurt as much as you think...
- (Secret update) Added Pogo Piggle to the roster! Remember, always wear a helmet when operating a pogo stick.
- Added gold hearts, a powerful health item that will only aid an innocent soul.
- Added yoyos, a new gadget that when thrown will send you flying after it
- Added wall jump tiles to the gadgets panel
- Added a new song to the music selection
Interface improvements
- Added a fade-out/in transition after player death to hide the stuttering during map reset
Bug fixes
- Further performance improvements for large levels
- Fixed issue where some sprites did not interact with ceiling buttons
- Fixed issue where sprite killers did not actually remove extra hit hearts from player
- Fixed issue where scrollbars didn't read correct mouse position in fullscreen
- Fixed issue where player could jump for the first ~2 frames that the map was loaded, even if in the air
Interface improvements
- Added a window close confirmation to cut down on accidental editor closings
- Added a cancel button to text prompt dialogs, with a keyboard shortcut of Escape
- Added Enter/Escape keyboard mappings for all UI dialogs
Bug fixes
- Improved performance for large levels
- Fixed the "kicky head" bug, wherein a stationary snail shell could be kicked even while the grab button is pressed
- Fixed text prompt dialogs causing the page to scroll on smaller window sizes
Interface improvements
- Improved editor's player trail: no longer stacks multiple ghosts on the exact same location, does not show trail at all if there's only one location
- Changed map height after "Reset Level" from 24 to 12
Bug fixes
- Fixed one way that player could get incorrect momentum from clipping rocket
- Fixed another possible path where clears were not getting properly logged
Bug fixes
- Improved sprite killer performance
- Fixed issue where UI dialog buttons were not reading mouse position correctly
- Fixed issue delete button was not clearing local save slots correctly
- Fixed list order of My Levels Menu
- Fixed platform length not being drawn correctly after platform was moved in the editor
Bug fixes
- Fixed another of the ways that solid sprites could push the player into solid ground
- Fixed sprite killers only applying to enemies
Interface improvements
- Improved scrollbar interactions
- Improved rendering of level menu panels
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where personal best times were not being recorded to the database (sorry for the interuption of WR races!)
- Fixed some of the ways that solid sprites could push the player into solid ground
- Fixed issue where steel barrels would rust when exposed to water
- Fixed issue where deleting animated tiles could cause the game to crash in some situations
- Fixed issue with horizontally flipped background elements not preserving their flip state
- Fixed issue where death count logging would try to inform the server about deaths in the editor (resulted in error: 500s in log)
- Fixed clam image alignment
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue favicon was not displaying correctly
- Fixed issue where checkpoint states were not being consistently cleaned up
- Fixed issue retry from flag/start wasn't immediately clearing all hearts
- Fixed issue where death count updates could overwrite personal best times
New features
- Added Sapphire Snails to the roster! This little critter has been given the gift of flight and the burden of being a platform
- Added player-only and sprite-only solid blocks! Look for the yellow blocks in the gadgets tab
- Added sprite-killers! This gadget will destroy any non-player sprites that overlap it (yes, even that weird one that you just thought of)
- Added indicator arrows! Eight directions, available in the gadgets tab. Purely decorative, no functionality
- Added a new tile set! New solid tiles, new decoartion, new slopes, etc
- Added steel barrels, which can be reused after hitting a wall or enemy
- Added three new songs to the music selection
- Added a new background element for background customization
- Added a new background preset, created by Pixel_Yosh_Gamer
- (Secret update) Added Orange Shrubbert, an autumnal variant of Shrubbert that just loves fall, and falling.
Interface improvements
- Clicking slots in the editor save dialog no longer immediately saves/loads the slot There is now a dedicated "Load from selected slot" and "Delete selected slot" button
- Prompts and alert boxes now appear in the game canvas, especially nice for those that want to play in fullscreen
- Scollable panels no longer wrap around
- Scrollbars can now be interacted with using mouse clicks
- Several panels have had their vertical order flipped to their intended order
- Hitting the goal gear while testing from the editor now pops up a quick display of your clear time
- On/off toggles (like the Player swim mode button) now have a purple border when off to more clearly indicate they aren't a normal button
- Clicking an item in the editor panels now closes the drawers. Shift-clicking keeps the drawers open
- When all items are removed from hotbar, editor now switches to select tool
- Added keyboard binding for quick retry (T on keyboard) for users without controllers (select still works on gamepad)
- You can now tap the retry button on the level success menu to immediately replay a level after beating it
- Editor panels with large arrays of items now left align the last row's items instead of spreading them to fit the panel's width
- Playing a level from Recent Levels is now blocked if you're running the game on a version that predates the level's version
- Fixed an issue in the Recent Levels panel where your scroll position was lost after exiting a level
- Sped up UI animations
- Finally got around to adding a favicon
Bug fixes
- Fixed missing sound file - player hurt
- Fixed the "jumpscare moon" issue; background elements that were set to not loop horizontally were still trying to loop
- Enemies on balloons/motors now get properly destroyed by baseballs, shells, etc
- Fixed issue where rolling snail shells did not properly activate sideways buttons
- Retry button in pause menu now insta-kills player instead of merely causing one hit of damage
- You can no longer hold on to hearts
- Doors can now only be entered when your feet are within 2 pixels vertically of the door's base
- Fixed issue where player's leftward platform momentum could not be slowed while in the air
- Added better handling to catch problems with mismatched layer sizes
New features
- Added keyboard binding for scrolling whatever panel the mouse is hovering over (for those without scrollwheels)
Balance tweaks
- Reduced hitbox of the goal gear by 1 pixel on all sides (allows more secure embedding of goal within walls)
- Modified rolling shells to fall in one-tile gaps that neighbor walls
Bug fixes
- Local save slot thumbnails now get cleared out when a local save is deleted
- Fixed issue where music did not reset when you Start Over from the victory screen
- Fixed issue where tiles did not reset when you Start Over from the victory screen
- Balloons can no longer be bounced on while in their pop animation
- Fixed issue where items could not be picked up for the first ~20 frames when a level started
- Fixed issue where AND gates viewed out-of-bounds tiles as unpowered wires
- Fixed issue where sprites would fail to ledge grab when moving right in some circumstances
- Fixed issue with doors not linking consistently